The Finnish parliament

On Wednesday 16 November our Finnish language and integration courses visited the Finnish parliament. This visit was the last part of our course part about Finnish society. In this course, besides the language, we learn about Finnish society and how to integrate and participate in it.
In the parliament we had a guided tour and we saw all the most important places and visited also the main hall, where the parlamentary sessions are held. At the same time with us the president of Mozambique and his delegation were visiting

The staircases and corridors in the parliament are impressive.
the house.
In the end of our visit, we were offered some coffee and tea and we
were lucky to have a possibility to meet one member of the parliament and ask her some questions about the work as a parliamentarian and about the position of immigrants in Finland.
The tour to the parliament house can be reserved here:
Some information about parliament in English:
and Finnish: