History and culture of Finland

On Wednesday 18th of May we made a small trip from Kauniainen to Espoo by car. Only a few kilometers away is located the 19th century house and farm museum, Glims.
The visit to the museum was interesting, we heard about the history of the farm and then museum from the guide and then there was an opportunity to ask questions about the environment, different practices and objects in the house.
The weather was excellent and there was a lot to see: the new and old main building, stable, cow shed, storages and very many other buildings. There were also hen in the yard.
This field trip as all others that include to our studies, was complitely free of any extra charges. The trips and the tickets are included to the course fee.
Further information about the house and farm museum Glims can be found here (in Finnish): https://www.museoraitti.fi/museot/glims-talomuseo/ or here (in English): https://www.espoo.fi/en/glims-farmstead-museum