Visit to beautiful Suomenlinna fortress

The last course week of our Finnish language and integration course started with fun visit from Kauniainen by train and ferry to the island of Suomenlinna, a 18th and 19th century sea fortress south from the center of Helsinki.
Educational trips are fun part of the course and we have visited very many exciting and important sights in Helsinki and region around it.
The weather was beautiful on Monday 29th of May and perfect for a small trip. The traffic connection from Finnish Bible Institute to Helsinki is very good.
While waiting for the ferry to get across to Suomenlinna, we had some time to see the Senate Square, the Cathedral of Helsinki, Orthodox Uspenski Cathedral, the Esplanade park and the Presidential palace.

In Suomenlinna we had time to walk around and see the sights and some guiding by our teacher Jussi Seppälä about the history of this fortress.
There are many museums is Suomenlinna and we visited the Military Museum. The exhibition was exciting and included three different exhibitions: one about the wars of Finland, one about the Finnish Defence Forces and the war time submarine.
The museum tickets and travels are always included to the course fee.

Suomenlinna is definitely worth of visiting. It is also possible to do a small picnic there.
More information about Suomenlinna fortress (information in many languages):
About Military Museum:
and about ferry time tables: