Learn Finnish language, culture and history

Inside of the house. The main room included all that was necessary: there is even dry rye bread in the ceiling.

The Finnish language and integration courses are near to their end for this semester. Even though the majority of the course concentrates on Finnish language skills: grammar, writing and listening and reading comprehension, the course includes also Finnish culture and history. Learning the language is also learning the culture. And learning the culture includes history.

This time we made a trip to the farm and house museum Glims in Espoo. There we saw what was the living in a Finnish country house ca 100 or 200 years ago.

Weather in Glims was very warm. Summer is near.

House museum Glims is an authentic historic farm and countryside milieu in Espoo, near Jorvi hospital. There are also craft shows during weekdays. On Wednesday the museum is free of charge.

There is plenty of activities for children as well. In summer time there are sheep, goats and hen in the museum area.

Further information can be found below:

In Finnish:


In English:
