First aid is a skill for every citizen

We practice other good skills for citizens besides Finnish language. First aid and resuscitation are good to know.

We practice other good skills for citizens besides Finnish language. First aid and resuscitation are good to know. It is always good to know how to handle different situations. As a part of Finnish language and integration education we have always lessons and practice on first aid. The first aid training includes both theory and…

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Three-month-long YKI-training finished for spring

Yki Paatos2024kevat

Finnish Bible Institute (Suomen Raamattuopisto) organizes three-month-long Finnish courses for preparing to the National Certificate of Language Proficiency in Finnish, intermediate level. The courses are called YKI-training take place twice a year at spring and autumn semester. Due to the Easter holidays, the YKI-training ended on Maudi Thursday 29th of March. Congratulations for all the students!

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